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Privacy Compliance

Over 20 states have now passed and implemented privacy rights to the residents of their state. This ensures that consumers have control over their data and requires companies to manage consumer data responsibly.

To that end we developed software and tracking to aid companies in complying with the multitude of requirements demanded by individual states. We are a B2B software as a service developer who are dedicated to assist businesses in their efforts to the comply with the vast at time contradictory requirements of the states.

Our sole purpose is to provide our clients with a comprehensive solution and practice regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and sale of Consumer Personal Information. Though our solution is thorough, each of our clients can rest assured that we will take no action on their databases without their instruction to do so through our detailed service provider agreement.

Our software is used to assure consumers that our clients are custodians of their information only.  We and our clients seek to provide consuers with the ultimate control of their data to review, correct, adjust sharing or delete as provided under their state privacy laws.

Please remember that as a service provider we do not collect, store, share or delete your information.  For this reason, we do not respond to consumer requests directly to us.  Our clients are responsive and any questions or concern should be addressed with our clients directly.